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Wellfarrowing farrowing pens

Wellfarrowing farrowing pens

Lower<br> piglet mortality

piglet mortality

Easy<br> cleaning


Better <br>economic result

economic result

Better living conditions for sows and piglets

Wellfarrowing farrowing pens

The pen provides better living conditions for the pigs and significantly reduces the loss of piglets through bedding

The pull-out birthing pen is from Nooyen WellFarrowing. This product takes pig farming to the next level by providing better living conditions for the pigs and significantly reducing piglet losses through farrowing.

WellFarrowing farrowing pens for pigs are equipped with an innovative floor leveling system. This automatically creates a 30 cm height difference between the sow floor and the piglet floor when the sow stands up. As soon as the sow lies down, the height difference between the two floors is equalized again. This system helps to significantly reduce the loss of piglets by lying down. The leveling floor is used during the first week after farrowing, a period during which the sow cannot move freely.

Ask for a no-obligation offer
  • Better living conditions for sows and piglets
  • Lower mortality of piglets through farrowing and better health
  • Improved economic performance of the farm
  • Piglet pen with retractable floor to prevent piglets from lying down
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance of the pen
  • Soft floor for greater piglet comfort

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