AGE s.r.o. is a proud subcontractor of implementing the new cow hall.
The Agricultural Cooperative Velká Chyška was established by registration in the Commercial Register on 25 March 1991 after the transformation of the former JZD ČSP Velká Chyška. Today the agricultural cooperative manages 2 263 hectares of agricultural land, of which 1 817 hectares are arable land and the remaining 446 hectares are permanent grassland.
The vast cultivated land is spread over 17 cadastral areas of the municipalities including Útěchovice pod Stražištěm, Velká Chyška, Bratřice, Lesná, Březina, Bořetice, Přáslavice and others. The Velká Chyška Agricultural Cooperative prides itself on its rich history and modern agricultural methods.
The main business of the agricultural cooperative is agricultural primary production, but they are not limited to it. They also engage in commercial and accommodation activities, working with various machines including tractors, carpentry, blacksmithing, and locksmithing.
AGE Ltd is proud to be a sub-contractor implementing a new hall for dry-standing cows. STATUS stavební a.s. from Humpolec is the general contractor for the entire work and is also the substructure contractor.
AGE s.r.o. delivers a single-bay hall with dimensions of 35 m x 20 m width, with a frame cross-connection made of welded and rolled sections. The frame ties are arranged in a 5.8 m module and are connected by Z-shaped, cold-bent thin-walled purlins. The trusses carry the roof covering, which consists of a PIR40 mm core roof panel in one half and a 6 mm thick polycarbonate roof covering in the other half. The gables of the hall are made up of a concrete wall and a hollow polycarbonate.
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