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Multiflex compound<br> feed conveyor

Multiflex compound
feed conveyor

Safe <br>feed transport

feed transport

User <br>friendliness


Easy <br>maintenance


Spiral conveyor for transporting feed in stables with a simple layout.

Multiflex compound feed conveyor


Multiflex™ is a feed transport system for creating a simple circuit with four bends. Many pig farmers use this type of feed transport in pig houses with electronic feeding stations for sows. The feeding places are centralized in an open space. The feed circuit only transports feed to this specific feeding zone, which makes constructing a transport system simpler. In houses with young piglets, it can easily handle the feeding process. Multiflex consists of strong and hard-wearing Novicor tubes and a durable auger. The feed transport system is therefore suitable for all common types of pig feed: pellets, mash, your own compositions, and more. All feed flows fully intact from the feeding systems to the pigs.

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  • Safe transport of undamaged feed to the animals thanks to the flat spiral
  • NOVICOR™ tubes with low friction to prevent food sticking
  • Durability, user-friendliness and easy maintenance
  • Works independently of stable occupancy
  • No additional spiral adjustment required after installation

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