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Direct combustion <br>stable heaters

Direct combustion
stable heaters

Higher resistance<br> to water and dust

Higher resistance
to water and dust

Advanced <br>connection




The ermaf GP series direct-fired air heaters are now equipped with a new ACU controller,
certified according to the new Gas Appliance Regulation.

Technical data sheet GALLERY

Ermaf GP series direct-fired air heaters are now equipped with a new ACU controller, certified according to the new Gas Appliance Regulation

Ermaf direct air heaters have the advantage of very high efficiency and short warm-up times. Thanks to the reliability and high quality of their components, these direct air heaters operate for more than 40 years with minimal maintenance.

GP heaters now not only provide more features and higher reliability, but are also more user-friendly in terms of installation and operation. They are also easier to maintain and clean.

All control of the ACU is much easier and faster. Everything is more intuitive than ever before. The user interface has improved features: status indication, flame signal, error monitoring and many more. Thanks to the waterproof housing, the control unit together with the gas valve is even better protected from water and dust. The gas inlet is now located at the bottom for easier pipe connection.

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  • Improved hygienic design with smooth surfaces
  • Short-circuit proof; no internal fuse needing manufacturer's repair
  • Stainless steel nozzle on GP40/70 delivers superior corrosion resistance
  • Highest safety class and best performance
  • New ACU control unit

Technical data sheet

Series GP14 GP40 GP70 GP95 GP120
Power 14 kW 40 kW 70kW 95kW 120kW
Air discharge 1200 m3/h 3900 m3/h 4500 m3/h 6500 m3/h 8000 m3/h
Gas consumption - natural gas H 1,5 m3/h 3,6 m3/h 6,1 m3/h 7,8 m3/h 9,9 m3/h
Propane gas consumption 1 kg/h 3,1 kg/h 5 kg/h 6,8 kg/h 8,6 kg/h
Gas pressure - natural gas H 20-25 mbar 20-25 mbar 20-25 mbar 20-25 mbar 20-25 mbar
Gas pressure - propane 37-50 mbar 37-50 mbar 37-50 mbar 37-50 mbar 37-50 mbar
Gas connection  1/2 "  1/2 "  3/4 "  3/4 "  3/4 " 
Electrical connection 230V 80W 230V 80W 230V 450W 230V 650W 230V 735W
Protection on the air inlet Microswitch Microswitch Microswitch Microswitch Microswitch
Flame control Ionizing Ionizing Ionizing Ionizing Ionizing
Effective heat range 10m 40m 50m 40m 40m

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