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Cooling column<br> AGROPEK

Cooling column

Easy<br> installation


High <br>material resistance

material resistance

Resistant <br>against corrosion

against corrosion

A plastic modular system with the advantage of easy assembly,
maintenance or replacement.

Cooling column AGROPEK

With the help of our cooling systems, you will be able to effectively reduce the temperature in buildings so that you create a favourable climate for the animals all year round. We solve the cooling in the stables for poultry and pigs by means of high-pressure cooling, low-pressure cooling or cooling columns.

COLD MAKER is a modular PVC Pad Frame System designed for poultry cooling and greenhouse cooling systems.  It is an innovating pad frame sytem with minimum installation needs, simple to maintain and easy to replace cooling pads.

It is a new look to poultry ventilation and greenhouse ventilation systems.  There is no metal frames that are rusted on outside environment.  The bottom gutter consists enough water that eliminates an external water tank.

Poultry climate is never been so easy. System can be installed to any pad dimensions, any length and all installation accessorries are being found inside the Cold Maker Boxes.

  • The modular system allows for any length of cooler
  • 15cm thickness of the cooler guarantees higher efficiency
  • Easy installation, maintenance, and operation
  • It contains an internal tank, so there is no need to install an external tank and piping
  • High material resistance
  • The modular system allows for any length of the cooler
  • 15cm thickness of the cooler guarantees higher efficiency
  • Easy installation, maintenance, and operation
  • It contains an internal tank, so there is no need to install an external tank and piping
  • High material resistance

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