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AS Loggia

AS Loggia

Highly compact design <br>for maximum number of beams

Highly compact design
for maximum number of beams

Easy control<br> of the entire system

Easy control
of the entire system

Easy<br> operation


Combining innovation and proven design in a highly customisable solution

Benefits GALLERY
AS Loggia


The AS LOGGIA aviary has been developed as a natural evolution of aviary systems to provide a highly comfortable and easy-to-use environment for the laying hens and their operator. The compact tiered design allows for optimal placement of double floors, nest boxes, feeders, roosts, and drinkers. It provides a symmetrical structure that offers a comfortable and natural environment for laying hens to rest, eat, drink, and lie down. The ease of movement within the system ensures a very even distribution of laying hens and reduces the risk of suffocation and stress. The gently sloping floor and nest structure drastically reduce egg laying outside the nest, while the perforated Astroturf floor and tilting nest structure ensure very good egg quality and cleanliness. The aim of the Loggia system is to maintain the health and well-being of the hens and improve production performance.

The AS Loggia system includes integrated feeders, perches, drinkers, lighting, nest boxes, an egg collection system, and a manure removal system. Accessories can be configured to provide a tailored solution for your farm.

More information
  •  Compact design to maximize the number of birds in the barn with balanced distribution of nests, feeders, drinkers, and perches
  •  Open system designed to have an optimal movement of birds to elevate the level of welfare
  •  Easy inspection for the whole system thanks to the rear opening of the nest with a centralized system
  •  Nest with perforated astroturf mats and moving floor, for cleaner eggs
  •  Egg belt cover countable as a usable surface
  •  Increased egg belt width to improve egg transport and reduce damage
  •  Designed with the operator in mind
  •  Quality materials with high corrosion resistance







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