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AGE - VENT 300+

AGE - VENT 300+

Simple<Br> control


Measurement of individual<br> stall sections

Measurement of individual
stall sections

Price<br> availability


Control unit developed by AGE specifically for the purpose of controlling the microclimate
and maintaining its optimum values in poultry and pig houses.



A well-functioning ventilation system is one of the essential factors that significantly influence the results of breeding. AGE s.r.o. offers its own range of ventilation control units which, in combination with other high-quality ventilation system components such as ventilation dampers, chimneys, and large diameter fans, form a well-functioning unit.

The AGE-VENT control unit was developed by AGE specifically for the purpose of controlling the microclimate and maintaining its optimum values in poultry and pig houses. The AGE-VENT 300 model with touchscreen display won the Gold Medal at Animal Tech 2019.

The ideal design of the unit makes it very easy to operate. The operator only adjusts the microclimate characteristics such as temperature, humidity, and CO2 content. The unit then solves the optimal way to achieve the desired microclimate properties in the specific conditions of the stable. In doing so, it reacts optimally and in real-time to changes in the factors influencing the microclimate. The unit's adaptive properties analyze the changes made retrospectively and continuously adapt to the current situation. The unit can be controlled via a touch screen, computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

The unit controls and corrects ventilation, feeding, watering, animal weighing, and lighting.

  • New powerful hardware for smooth and reliable system operation
  • Comprehensive control of lights, nests, and feeding in laying hen houses
  • monitoring of feed consumption
  • An extended overview of alarm conditions and alarm history
  • Multi-platform access from mobile phones, tablets, and computers with support for all major operating systems
  • New improved AGE Monitor monitoring system with support for new cameras
  • Detailed overview of ventilation in the monitoring system
  • Support for the AGE Monitor cloud service, remote access without the need for a dedicated monitoring server
  • Export of operational data to in-house systems


The ventilation control is set in advance for the whole tour. The operator does not have to interfere with the ventilation control, which eliminates human error. However, the operator has the possibility to make fine adjustments to the desired climate in the stable. The control unit itself evaluates and adaptively adjusts the ventilation depending on the climate values (indoor and outdoor temperature, CO2, indoor and outdoor humidity, dew point, etc.).

  • Zone control of dampers and heaters. Possibility of dividing the hall into up to 6 sections
  • Separate control of additional heaters, which can be used for biogas heating
  • Possibility of continuous and pulse ventilation
  • Tunnel ventilation. The unit itself evaluates and switches between vacuum and tunnel ventilation
  • Adaptive pulse cooling
  • Humidification control
  • Calculation of heating costs


  • Multiple feeding modes possible (timed feeding, timed dosing, manual dosing, adaptive mixing)
  • Two independent feeds
  • Four independent silos
  • Feed consumption history
  • Feed consumption as a function of strain gauge weighing or pulse measurement
  • Timed feeding with precision to the second
  • Manual dosing with silo balance monitoring
  • Automatic dosing set by daily schedule
  • Precise adaptive mixing of two feed mixtures with the possibility of corrections depending on animal weight and growth curve

Weighing animals

  • Two independent weighing
  • Four hanging scales
  • Higher accuracy due to continuous correction of the reference balance
  • Continuous monitoring of deviation from growth curve and daily gain
  • Correction of the mixing of the feed mixture depending on the weight of the animals and the deviation from the curve

Watering and lighting

  • Time restriction of water management
  • Water consumption monitoring
  • Control of continuous and relay lighting
  • One continuous and two relay lights can be controlled simultaneously
  • Possibility to correct the target temperature depending on the stable lighting

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